Book your hunting trip for the 2025 season!

Exotic Hunts

Continental Ranch offers a variety of species of exotics to hunt. We have a no-kill, no-pay policy on our exotic hunts: you pay only for what you kill. We hunt our exotics most of the year, excluding the hot summer months.


The gemsbok is a large antelope with very long, straight, or slightly curved horns. They have a similar body composition to a polo pony with sturdy limbs and a short and stiff neck mane. Their ability to survive in an arid area is only second to the addax among African antelopes. Gemsbok is the largest of the Oryx family, with males weighing in at around 450 pounds. Their character horns are typically three feet in length, making this species one you'll want for the trophy room.

Iranian Red Sheep

The Iranian red sheep live primarily in open rough terrain at medium or high altitudes. They inhabit rocky hill country, lowland and highland steppes, rocky semi-deserts, grass-covered slopes, and alpine meadows. They live in small or larger herds, and in the summer, the older males live singly or in separate groups; they can live up to 18 years. The Iranian Red

Sheep are agile and swift, with the ability to scale rocky hillsides with ease. They will have you on your toes as you stalk their herd through the territory. Free-range and high fence hunts are available.

Scimitar-Horned Oryx

Named for the unique shape of its horns, the Scimitar-Horned Oryx is one of four species of oryx. This straight-horned antelope is from various regions of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Aside from their impressive curved horns, they are identifiable by their brownish neck, white coat, and bushy tail. They were domesticated and bred in early times—from ancient Egypt to Rome—for various purposes, including sport hunting. Although they are extinct in the wild, private ranching has aided their continuation as a species. They're indigenous to the semi-arid southern edge of the Sahara. This is a free-range hunt.


The Addax is an endangered desert antelope with exceptionally long, twisted horns, which trophy hunters prize. As a result of overhunting, fewer than 200 remain in the southwestern part of the Sahara. An addax can go weeks without water and withstand an internal temperature as high as 46°C (115°F). The Addax stands at around four feet tall, with males weighing about 250 pounds. They change from a white coat to a sandy brown in the winter, with a white "x" marking on their face. This is a free-range hunting opportunity.


The Axis is originally from India and through Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. The Axis coat is pinkish fawn, marked with white spots, and its underbelly is also white. Its antlers, which it sheds annually, are usually three-pronged and curve in a lyre shape and may extend to 75 cm (2.5 ft). Herds of about 15 are typical, shifting throughout the year, with males leaving as they mature. They are keenly aware of their surroundings, using their sensitive hearing to examine any new territory. The males have a powerful personality, standing tall to feed on tree branches and growling to assert dominance.


The aoudad—also called Barbary sheep—is a very agile climber and jumper that stays in rocky terrain, resting in the shade during the day's heat. It has thick horns that curve in a semi-circle over the back. The horns grow up to 22" long in males and a thinner 16" in females. They can survive without a water source, so locating them can be a big part of the thrill when hunting this species. They tend to move around quickly when they feed and change locations frequently. This animal can be elusive, so good sighting and hiking endurance are ways to get an advantage on these striking sheep.


The blackbuck antelope is one of the most popular exotic game animals in the US. This antelope inhabits the open plains of India, Pakistan, and Nepal. The male blackbuck is identifiable by its namesake black back, white underbelly, and spiral horns. Males tend to stick together in groups, sometimes engaging in competitive displays to attract visiting females. The blackbuck is genetically unique, being the only member of their genus. They are extinct in the wild of India but are thriving in Texas thanks to the continued conservation efforts of ranchers. Free-range and high fence hunts are available.

Arabian Oryx

The Arabian Oryx, a striking antelope species with a white coat and long horns, was declared extinct in the wild in 1972 but has been saved by private reserves, zoos, and hunting ranches. These social animals typically form herds of 5 to 30 individuals and are known for their ability to detect rainfall from miles away, enabling them to find new sources of food and water during the dry season. Continental Ranch offers hunting of Arabian Oryx under CITES permits.

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